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South Downs Wood Fair
Written by Administrator Wednesday, 27 June 2012 18:54
South Downs Wood Fair
21 – 22 July, 2012.
South Downs Wood Fair showcases all aspects of wood, it’s production and it’s uses. On show we have everything from large forestry machinery to small scale craftsmanship in wood. There is also a massive range of other crafts and exhibits on show.
It is an all encompassing show that focuses on all aspects of the timber industry. The show along with being a business trade event acts as a showground meant to educate the common masses on various aspects of nature conservation.
The fair will be an event where attendees will get to see and experience not only the wood products and accessories but also transport logistic equipments that come useful in the movement and management of heavy logs. Handcrafted wood items will also be seen in this event.
VENUE: Queen Elizabeth Country Park, East Hampshire, United Kingdom.
More information can be found on the official website: