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The Kent County Show
Last Updated on Wednesday, 27 June 2012 19:16 Written by Administrator Wednesday, 27 June 2012 18:49
The Kent County Show
13 – 15 July, 2012.
The Kent County Show is one of the biggest and oldest country fair in U.S.A. which deals with a vast array of things ranging from flowers, vegetables, crafts, regional foods, countryside creatures and other various fun and attraction. This show has been running since 1923 and organizers are assuming that more than 100000 visitors will come to witness this mega event.
The Kent County Show is a well structured exhibition which attracts numerous visitors and exhibitors from several parts of the country every year. Here exhibitors will get an unprecedented opportunity to exhibit their products and services in front of a large numbers of national as well as international attendees.
VENUE: Kent Showground UK, Maidstone, United Kingdom.
More information can be found on the official website: